世界的大千 - 張大千繪畫精品集萃  Chang Dai-Chien A Cosmopolitan & His Best Works 

Chang Dai-chien, known as the "Dai-chien of the World," has captivated a global audience with his art. His work is celebrated worldwide, making the study and dissemination of his art both historically significant and essential for scholars.

The book "Chang Dai-Chien: A Cosmopolitan and His Best Works" is a comprehensive guide edited by experts including Mr. Cheng Enrong, Mr. Pang Hui, Mr. Luo Zongliang, Professor Yang Kun, Mr. Tao Shiwen, and Mr. Wang Shihua. It features authoritative interpretations and artistic analyses of Chang's works, tracing his evolution from early figuration to later abstraction. This transformation established Chang Dai-Chien as a world-renowned artist.

The book is meticulously curated, offering a chronological exploration and professional commentary on his art. It serves as a valuable resource for scholars, enthusiasts, and followers of Chang Dai-Chien's art, blending tools, appreciation, materials, and information into a singular, comprehensive monograph.- -

主編介紹 -

龐輝先生耗時近3 年,精心組織專業團隊,選材組稿,在中國著名鑒藏家、中國張大千研究中心研究員程恩嶸先生的支持、幫助、指導下,組成中國強大的專業研究班底,從編年入手,貫穿專業評述,按時代闆塊歸集,形成一本集工具書、鑒賞、素材、資料爲一體的精選專著,爲專家學者和全球喜愛張大千藝術的追隨者、愛好者提供了有益範本。


總策劃前言 -






世界的大千 - 張大千繪畫精品集萃

Chang Dai-Chien A Cosmopolitan & His Best Works

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