红楼选梦 - 红楼梦古书画集萃            Dream of The Red Chamber:          Fine Classical Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Chinese Edition) 

The classic Chinese Dream of the Red Chamber is a collection of Chinese culture. It incorporates Chinese people's philosophical cognition, historical experience, moral order, aesthetic tendency, and worldly wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. The book alone shapes lifelike literary characters of more than 400, roughly equivalent to the total number of characters created by Shakespeare in his dramas. The Dream of the Red Chamber is a well-deserved classic of world culture and world literature.The Dream of the Red Chamber came into birth more than two hundred years ago, and redology more than one hundred years ago. All the time, paintings created by Qing scholars on the Dream of the Red Chamber are little known to the society and the academic circle of historical changes, private collection, scattered distribution, and many other reasons. Such paintings can only be seen once in a while. That is why the Dream enthusiasts and researchers have been yearning for intensively appreciating paintings, especially color paintings, themed on the Dream created by Qing scholars.

Today, Mr. Pang Hui, with deep affection for traditional Chinese culture, plans to publish the related calligraphy, paintings, and research articles in a book called "Selected Dreams of the Red Chamber-- A Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Paintings on the Dream of the Red Chamber." The new book fills the blank of unofficial Dream-related picture books in China, America, and even the world. The ancient paintings in this book are made public for the first time. Each of them is a treasure. They will bring data of great historical significance to vast redology researchers and enthusiasts and provide abundant accurate materials for experts, scholars, and lovers of Oriental paintings worldwide.

簡 介 -



前 言 -

自乾隆56 年,程伟元、高鹗一百二十回《新镌全部绣像红楼梦》排印,《红楼梦》走入多数知识分子家庭开始,《红楼梦》的文人艺术创作,也即文人以《红楼梦》为题材进行绘画、戏曲创作也就开始了。


2015 年,在中国国家典籍博物馆举办的“李煦诞辰三百六十周年特展暨李煦、曹寅与江南文坛学术研讨会”,我看到了李瑞华先生借展的洪升赠曹雪芹祖父曹寅的扇面、舒位对题红楼梦册页等艺术品,很是高兴,并与他交谈,甚欢。由交谈得知瑞华从事中国书画经营拍卖。南京人,南京与《红楼梦》有着巨大的因缘,他热爱《红楼梦》,多年来,《红楼梦》题材古书画是他研究收藏的一个重要方向。这颇令我赞赏,因为作为一个专业的红学研究者,我深知这些书画对红学是极有价值的,很不易得的。


红楼选梦 - 红楼梦古书画集萃

Dream of The Red Chamber: Fine Classical Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy (Chinese Edition) 

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