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ISBN: 979-8987135358

燃燒的激情 - 傅抱石的藝術與人生

作 者 / 龐 輝


Burning Passion Fu Baoshi's Art & Life
Hui Pang

Burning Passion Fu Baoshi's Art & Life


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《燃燒的激情 - 傅抱石的藝術與人生》是對傅抱石在中國藝術中深遠影響的全面探索,審視他作為藝術家和學者的雙重角色以及他對傳統中國山水畫和現代藝術復興的重要貢獻。

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Insightful Perspective

Valuable Resource

Expert Analysis

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世界的大千 - 張大千繪畫精品集萃

總策劃 / 程恩嶸  主 編 / 龐 輝


Chang Dai-Chien A Cosmopolitan and His Best Works
Hui Pang

Chang Dai-Chien A Cosmopolitan and His Best Works


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Global Influence

Artistic Evolution

Expert Analysis

Comprehensive Resource

ISBN: 978-1087862934

甲骨存真 金石留痕

作 者 / 秦士蔚  主 編 / 龐 輝


Modern Tracings of Oracle Bone and Bronze Age Inscriptions
Hui Pang

Modern Tracings of Oracle Bone and Bronze Age Inscriptions


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Qin Shiwei

Oracle Bone Script

Cultural Preservation

Historical Significance

ISBN: 978-1087889184

红楼选梦 - 红楼梦古书画集萃

主 編 / 龐 輝  藏 編 / 李瑞華  


Dream of The Red Chamber: Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy (Chinese Edition)
Hui Pang

Dream of The Red Chamber: Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy (Chinese Edition)


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Cultural Heritage

Oriental Paintings

Character Portrayal

Traditional Chinese Art

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